Explore our Eclipse Aluminium Windows
Clearview likes its customers to be spoiled for choice, as you will learn as you dig deep into our incredibly broad aluminium window range. Each window style is yours to personalise with a colour, glazing and hardware of your choosing. These premium-built designs manage to condense style and resilience all into one with the added advantages of potent energy efficiency and security.
Aluminium Casement Windows
The manufacturing capabilities we have at our disposal give us the ability to craft some of the most cutely constructed casements in the country. We’re forever rolling out aluminium window profiles in all manners of sizes, shapes and depths, highlighting the design flexibility inherent in our thriving home improvement business.
Casements rank as one of the most classic of window styles, unerringly popular amongst homeowners. A side-hinged arrangement facilitates an outward opening, and we can deliver a solution with single units or in tandem with numerous windows. Proceed to a showroom for a physical taster of how a casement functions.

Aluminium Flush Windows
Whether you want a direct replacement for existing flush casement windows or aspire to introduce flush windows to your home, our Eclipse aluminium flush windows are a worthy addition. If unfamiliar with what a flush window signifies, it’s a style that has a flat external finish, very much akin to traditional wooden windows.
Eclipse aluminium frames are unfathomably tough when you witness the slenderness of them. They’d be a fine successor to traditional timber windows, exhibiting a similar aesthetic but with enhanced security and insulation benefits.

Aluminium Tilt & Turn Windows
From the point of convenience, an Eclipse aluminium tilt and turn window is just about unbeatable. Give the handle a simple twist and it generates a clever inward tilt at the top, perfect for luring a small pocket of ventilation inside without the safety of young children being put at risk.
A further turn of the handle leads to the window swinging open from the side, extremely useful when you want to clean the window without fuss.

Aluminium Bay & Bow Windows
Bay and Bow windows have an unmistakable outward projection and consist of three or more panels, adding depth and masses of light to rooms. They are profoundly noticeable.
Supplied in rectangular, triangular and polygonal configurations, bay and bow windows tend to be integrated into home frontages, through which you can revel in panoramic views unoffered by flatter designs.

Aluminium French Windows
Two parallel-opening vents offer you licence to open a room quite unlike any other available window style, and a French window’s elegance is matchless. Sunlight will enrich your interior when the vents are availed of, and it will keep it well ventilated on a warm day.
When you get that urge to seamlessly blend and merge the indoors and outdoors into one, a French window is how to capture that feel. Kitchen areas are notoriously popular locations for French window installations because of the pass-through access gained from their inclusion.

Aluminium Cottage Windows
Clearview’s aluminium cottage windows preserve the spirit of traditional cottage windows down to the very last detail, except for far exceeding them in the crucial domains of energy efficiency and security. Chiefly selected as replacements at homes situated in conservation areas, they’re also often favoured as a window upgrade for new builds.
The faithful design is complemented by a hugely impressive grade of thermal performance and security.

Aluminium Arched & Shaped Windows
When you want replacement windows that will strongly captivate the attention of visitors, look no further than our enthralling aluminium arched and shaped windows. Whether fitted in a new or older home, arched or shaped windows will be a visual centrepiece.
An irregularly shaped window supplies the sun with more of an expanse to pour through, so anticipate a much brighter living environment in any room equipped with either window type.

Aluminium Fixed Frame Windows
If you value great views and abundant light transference above all else, aluminium fixed windows should be on your radar. With such a super-slim aluminium frame, it creates space for a huge, glazed expanse, rewarding you with a practically undisturbed vista and absolute plethora of light gain.
Because of the hard-wearing aluminium material, our French windows will keep their eye-catching allure for at least the length of the guarantee without you hardly needing to touch them.

Why choose our premium Eclipse aluminium windows?
Just look at what you’re investing in when you purchase new Eclipse aluminium windows from Clearview. Our support for you continues well beyond the fitting of your new designs too.
20 year guarantee on aluminium window collections
Our most energy efficient aluminium window collections
Showrooms in Nantwich, Preston & Warrington
Manufactured in Britain
Premium locks & hardware
Broad range of colours
The region’s finest aluminium windows...
It’s a big statement to make but once you’ve inspected Clearview’s aluminium windows in any of our three showroom venues, we have no doubt you will agree with it. The finishes will leave a distinct impression as they are remarkably vibrant compared to what you’re used to seeing.
On our departure from your house, the atmosphere will feel a whole lot cosier and brighter than it did before we fitted new windows. You can thank the thermally insulating and slender profile for that, as well as our amazingly skilled team of craftspeople.

Eclipse aluminium windows security
Security is of premium concern to every householder, which makes us keen to address the different security features present within our Eclipse aluminium windows. They help ensure the windows are a robust defence against thieves.

Cranked Window Handles
The ergonomically shaped handles feel so good in your hand as you operate our windows in your desired fashion.

Window Hinge Bolts
A hinge bolt’s purpose is to secure the hinge side of the sash to minimise the possibility of a forced entry being successfully executed.

Herculean Window Hinges
Heavy-duty hinges combat gradual wear and tear, keeping the windows functioning smoothly for the foreseeable future.

Multi Locking Mechanisms
To help erase any fearful thoughts you have of intruders accessing your property, Clearview fuses a multi-point locking mechanism into its aluminium window systems.
Premium window accessories bespoke to you
Clearview’s Eclipse aluminium windows are yours to personalise however you see fit and give them a highly individual look, different to anyone else’s. Tailoring is your opportunity to express your personality in the designs, so embrace it as much as you’d like. Peruse the legion of options and communicate your wishes to the team.
Premium range of colours...
It was only a short few years ago that aluminium colours were very restrictive, with you limited to white, grey and a handful of other tones. But as technology has progressed, so has the volume of available aluminium shades, demonstrated by the extent of our sizeable colour palette.
For that traditional effect, may we alert you to our believable woodgrain finishes. An advisor will gladly take you through each colour possibility.
Handles that completes the design...
Several handles have been sculpted to combine with the Eclipse aluminium window range. Of course, a handle is fundamental to functionality and security, but you mustn’t overlook how it needs to contribute to styling too.
None of your decision-making on handles or any other design element must be done solo as Clearview is always willing to assist when you need a second opinion. It’d be our pleasure to help you strike the perfect windows together.
Window handle colours for unmatched elegance...
As you assess the handles, think about what kind of handle colour will be most in keeping with the aluminium windows. Colours verge into modern and traditional territory, leaving you much to ponder.
Generally, a homeowner will opt for a handle finish that matches the frame colour, but you could be different and contrast the two finishes – it’s entirely down to you to decide.
Intelligent glazing for your aluminium windows...
Glass is a foremost component in any replacement window and how our Eclipse aluminium windows reach the pinnacle of performance. Assess the multiple glazing styles to identify a glass variety that meets your aesthetic preferences and rely on it to heat your space.
These groundbreaking glasses have a uniformity of functionality and elegance. Privacy glazing is sold, commonly selected for window upgrades in bathrooms or wherever else discretion must be upheld.
Have you thought about leaded, astragal or Georgian bars?
Instead of leaving your aluminium windows plain (not that there’s anything wrong with that!), perhaps it would be an idea to have leaded, Georgian or astragal bars assimilated for decoration.
They will give the windows that traditional twist and an extra refinement, magnifying their charisma and overall charm. We can show you what bar detailing would look like on our design software.

A view that you will never tire of...
The Eclipse Aluminium Window has an incredibly slim aluminium profile, meaning that glass dominates its design, and you get a fantastic external view. The high proportion of glass obviously also leads to your internal spaces being filled with natural light and feeling bright and spacious.
We could go on forever about the many attributes of our Eclipse Aluminium Windows as there are multiple noteworthy features to talk about, which all give them unparalleled appeal.
To understand Eclipse Aluminium Windows a little better contact Clearview today!

Clearview customer reviews
Don’t just take our word for it, read a small selection of the sentiments from our customers and their experiences with Clearview – Cheshire & Lancashire’s award winning home improvement company.
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