Secure Cheaper Energy Bills For Life With Double Glazing In Preston

If you thought the cost of energy bills could not get any higher then look away now. Investment bank Liberum Capital has estimated that energy bills will rise by 70 per cent to £2,200 a year by 2020! This will also result in the number of people living in fuel poverty to rise from 5 million to 8 million within the next four years.

This is a worrying set of statistics for those who are already finding it difficult to meet the cost of bills as it seems like there is no end to the problem. Yes, there may be the odd price drop here and there, but price cuts are far more likely to be outweighed by the number of price increases expected over the next few years.

Unless you want to be continuously hit by expensive energy bills then you simply have to get double glazing in Manchester, double glazing in Liverpool or double glazing in Preston installed. A modern set of windows will save you a fortune in energy bills not just in the short-term, but for at least the next 20 years as they won’t need to be replaced again during that time.

Double glazing is fantastic at insulating homes as it will keep heat loss to a minimum and ensure that any heat generated by a boiler is stored and kept for long periods. Any draughts that you felt prior to the installation of your new windows will disappear forever. Best of all, your energy bills will be cut to a much more affordable level.

The energy savings that you make will build up over the years and will more than cover the cost of originally having the windows installed. If more of us get double glazed then together we can fight off expensive energy.

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Everyone is welcome to come in and browse around our Preston showroom in Lancashire, or our Nantwich & Warrington showrooms in Cheshire, where our friendly sales team will be pleased to help with any questions you may have.


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